Vision - Mission


As an institution in the Ateneo Law School, the Ateneo Law Journal endeavors to carry on its role in pushing the boundaries of understanding the complexities of law and its application in our daily lives, recognizing that the law is dynamic and must respond to the constantly evolving needs of society.

Consistent with the Ateneo Law School’s identity as a Catholic and Jesuit institution, the Journal upholds the School’s mission to participate in social mobilization to create a more just social order. Finally, the Journal aspires to encourage its readers to comfortably live and love the law — transcending the mere reading, teaching, memorizing, and studying of the law.


The Ateneo Law Journal strives to remain as one of the benchmarks in legal scholarship in the country by providing a comprehensive forum where thoughts, ideas, and opinions meet on legal matters, whether of interest to the Bench, the Bar, the law student, or the common Filipino. The Journal earnestly carries out its responsibility as a medium for initiating discourse in various fields of law, reflecting a continuous collaboration and interaction among students, faculty, practitioners, and the government.

As a fully student-run publication, it seeks to provide an invaluable training ground for developing dedicated, critical, and analytical minds with incisive attention even to the most intricate of details in the publication of a quality academic journal. Its members — who are required to undergo a very rigorous selection process before gaining membership in the Board of Editors — are instilled with values of integrity, intellectual honesty, and professionalism.

AVAILABLE ONLINE: Volume 68, Issue 1

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AVAILABLE ONLINE: Volume 67, Issue 4

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